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Embracing the leadership of local actors and communities in climate action

Текущий курс

Commitment #3 of the Climate and Environment Charter aims to embrace the leadership of local actors and communities by learning from traditional and indigenous knowledge on mitigation and adaptation measures, including nature-based solutions. In turn, we also need to support local communities and actors to be better prepared to face the impacts of a changing climate and environmental risks.
This webinar will aim at answering the following questions:

  • How are NGOs and local communities working together to support local leadership in climate action?
  • How can we ensure meaningful and inclusive participation and leadership of local actors and people we serve are part of the design, management, implementation and evaluation of our programmes?
  • What can we do to better promote local leadership in the light of climate change? How can we improve our programmes accordingly?
  • What can we learn from local, traditional, and indigenous knowledge which can be replicated in other contexts

Как зарегистрироваться

Read more and watch the event recording at https://phap.org/PHAP/Events/OEV2022/OEV220317.aspx