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Financing for Sustainable Development - WWF position Paper, January 2015

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All financing sources – public and private; domestic and international – will need to be mobilized to meet the sustainable development challenges ahead. As the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing (ICESDF) points out, there are sufficient funds globally to achieve sustainable development but a clear political commitment to structural reforms and systemic changes as well as additional and innovative financing approaches are needed to make real progress.

WWF is taking this opportunity to underline some recommendations for the way forward at the Third Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3) to be held in Addis-Ababa in July 2015. The Conference’s outcome will constitute an important contribution to the post-2015 sustainable development agenda and critical support to its implementation. We welcome many of the recommendations of the ICESDF report and some of them are reflected herein.

The paper includes recommendations organised around three main areas, namely:

  • International finance resource mobilisation (public and private)
  • Domestic resource mobilisation
  • Data and access to information

For further information:
Sally Nicholson, European Policy Office
Céline Beaulieu, WWF International