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C.A.R. Regional Impact Situation Report #2, 3 June 2014

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WFP Response


  • A verification exercise in underway in Sido, the largest border crossing site.

  • The second cycle of voucher transfers is being finalized; more than 31,500 persons have benefitted. In Baibokoum and Bitoye sites,
    WFP provided 7 day food rations while partners prepare for voucher distribution.

  • A total of 200 mt of food (including HEB) has been distributed to persons arriving in southern Chad since the onset of the response.

  • WFP has expanded coverage of health facilities to ensure malnutrition treatment activities to arriving populations. Initial screenings suggest the nutritional situation is worsening in several sites; close monitoring is required with the onset of the rains.


  • With the onset of the rains, roads become near impassable. From June, WFP will begin to transition to cash, voucher, and/or a mix with food where markets function

  • WFP is enhancing UNHAS capacity. The current aircraft has been changed to allow additional passengers and large cargo capacity.
    Enhanced efforts are required to maintain airstrips in Zongo and Libenge (USD 100,000).


  • A new round of food distributions began on 22 May. In Gado Badzere, Lolo, Borgop, and Timangolo sites 29,780 refugees in established sites and 17,369 refugees in transit points have benefitted from 30-day rations (total: 782 mt). Distributions are ongoing in Mbai Mboum and Garoua Boulai transit points.

  • In addition, 832 Third Country Nationals awaiting transfer to country of origin were provided 15-day rations (total: 6.6 mt)

  • On 29 May, blanket supplementary feeding (BSF) began in Lolo, Gbiti, Kentzou, Timangolo, and Borgop; this is the second round of BSF in Gbiti, and the first to all other sites.

  • Additional special nutrition stocks have been dispatched to health facilities to replenish stocks. And on 1 June, WFP carried out a strategic airlift of 94 mt of PlumpySup - this will allow WFP to cover all children under 5.

  • Additional mobile storage capacity is en route.
    Surge staff with experience in nutrition in emergencies, programme, VAM, admin, and security have arrived in country.


  • A budget revision is being finalized and will introduce supplementary feeding for young children (through supercereal)