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Purchase for Progress - P4P Tanzania

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P4P in Tanzania

In Tanzania, P4P activities cover 14 districts in 10 regions, and reach nearly 19,000 smallholder farmers — 41 percent of whom are women. In order to reach farmers, WFP engages with Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs), which provide credit and savings accounts to registered smallholders. As of December 2013, WFP supported 28 SACCOs. In order to improve collective marketing and reduce post-harvest losses, WFP has engaged in capacity development, as well as investments to rehabilitate storage facilities, linking them to an emerging warehouse receipt system (WRS). An agreement between WFP and Tanzania’s National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) has now provided smallholder farmers from 17 P4P-supported farmers’ organizations (FOs) with a potentially sustainable market for their crops.