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Food insecurity peaks with the May-August lean season

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Crisis food insecurity peaks with the May-August lean season


• With the recent outbreak of conflict, food security outcomes are expected to be worst in Pibor County, Jonglei State, due to the impacts of prolonged, severe, and deteriorating civil security. Some food deficits (IPC Phase 3: Crisis) outcomes are expected at least through the Outlook period (September).

• In Panyijiar and Mayendit counties in Unity state, as well as in Warrap and Lakesin the center of the country, intensive cattle raiding and some areas of excessive flooding in 2012 have contributed to IPC Phase 3 outcomes through August.

• In the eastern flood plains of Upper Nile and northern Jonglei States (Nyirol, Uror and Ayod), poor 2012 production due to extreme flooding will lead to food deficits at the peak of the agricultural lean season through August.

• In the northern states, civil insecurity and restrictions to trade and movement, though improving, are still likely to result in food deficits (IPC Phase 3: Crisis) through June/July.