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Mexico - Earthquake update and floods (GDACS, USGS, CNPC, WHO PAHO, CONAGUA, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 23 September 2022)

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  • After the strong earthquake of 6.8 M at a depth of 21 km which occurred on 22 September at 6.16 UTC in Michoacán State (approximately 46 km south-west of Aguililla City), casualties and damage were reported across the affected area.

  • The National Civil Protection Coordination and WHO PAHO report, as of 23 September, two fatalities in the Coalcomán Municipality (Michoacán). In addition, over 6,000 affected houses and several power outages were reported across Michoacán, Colima, and Jalisco States.

  • The 6.8 M event was located 36 km east of the strong earthquake of 7.6 M that occurred on 19 September in the same State and that caused two fatalities.

  • Meanwhile, heavy rainfall has been affecting the Guerrero State (bordering east with Michoacán) over the past few days, triggering floods that resulted in casualties. Media report, as of 23 September, seven fatalities across the Montana Region (eastern Guerrero), of which five in Malinaltepec Municipality and two more in Iliatenco Municipality.

  • Over the next 24 hours, more heavy rainfall is forecast over Michoacán, Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero States.