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UNHCR: Democratic Republic of the Congo - Situation in Rutshuru Flash Update # 2 | 16 September 2022

ДР Конго
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▪ As of September 16, 2022, Rwasa site recorded 16,725 Congolese refugees returning from Uganda (4,824 families) transported by UNHCR from Kitagoma, an increase of 22% in 48 hours.

▪ Authorities arranged for searches of luggage and people when they boarded at Kitagoma, as well as upon arrival at Rwasa site. Based on UNHCR's plea, the Territorial Administrator sent a senior officer, notably a colonel, to Kitagoma to ensure the effectiveness of this security measure.

▪ Material and logistical support (two motorcycles, three computers and a printer) was provided by UNHCR to staff of the Bwisha chiefdom to enable them to be more effective in the administration and management of the site, which has a capacity of 20,000 people and could be quickly exceeded due to continuous arrival of people from Uganda.

▪ A 72-hours cross-border mission was carried out by UNHCR in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) staff in Uganda to establish a close working relationship with UNHCR colleagues in Uganda, but also to discuss with refugees and Ugandan authorities to understand the full scope of the return of Congolese refugees from Uganda to DRC. The members of DRC mission took advantage of their presence on Ugandan territory to visit the various transit centers in Nyakabande. They also visited the border through which Congolese refugees from Uganda pass to enter DRC, notably the border at Kitagoma, to ensure that adequate arrangements are in place to receive these refugees once in DRC.