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Situation Analysis: Worsening Drought in Somalia and Somaliland, August 2022

Save the Children
Publication date


Four seasons and counting Somalia has had failed rainy seasons which has been catastrophic to all facets of life. From livelihoods, food security, health, nutrition, WASH, education and protection. The multi-season drought has led to further deterioration of the food security and nutrition situation across the country. Persistent insecurity and conflict– particularly in central and southern Somalia, as well as global supply and price shocks influenced by the Ukraine crisis, are further exacerbating the food insecurity situation in Somalia. Save the Children Somalia/land country office conducted an assessment in the worst affected areas to document experiences of children and their families. The assessment sought to gather first-hand and relevant qualitative information to identify short and medium-term needs of the affected population and provide detailed recommendation for a coordinated and effective response.


A mixed method approach was employed, largely the assessment relied on a desk review of reports complemented by primary data from Key Informant Interview (KII), Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with children and caregivers as well as from field visit observations. Secondary data was captured from SCI databases, the different cluster databases and desk review of the recently published reports on IPC classification and Somalia humanitarian needs overview. The assessment1 set out to document the experiences of families residing in villages from the worse affected regions of Somalia and Somaliland, particularly those categorized under IPC5 plus few additional regions projected to be in IPC5 starting as of June 2022.

Regions that were projected to be largely in IPC5 included Bay, Bakool, Banadir, Mudug, Galgudud, Lower Shabelle, Hiran, Gedo, Lower Juba, Awdal, Marodijeh, Togdher, Sanag, Sool and Nugal. A total of 69 villages were visited during the assessment and in each village two FGDs were conducted, one with children and one with adults and 3 KIIs in each village. A total of 138 FGDs and 204KIIs were conducted across three zones (South Central Somalia, Puntland and Somaliland).