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Pathways to Adaptation and Resilience in Pacific SIDS - Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2022 for ESCAP Subregions

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CHAPTER 1 The shifting contours of the Pacific small island developing States (SIDS) disaster riskscape

Blue Pacific 2050 Climate Change and Disasters

Strategic pathways: Governance, Partnerships and Cooperation

This chapter provides the evidence-base to strengthen regional collaboration to limit global warming and advocate with all stakeholders to ensure that all commitments address the needs of the region on climate change, disaster risk reduction and their cascading impacts.


• The disaster riskscape of the Pacific SIDS is being reshaped by cascading and converging hazards under a new disaster-climate-health nexus and increasing vulnerability of populations to cascading hazards.

• ESCAP’s Risk and Resilience Portal shows that under the worst-case climate change scenarios, economic losses are projected to double to US$ 322 billion in the future for the subregion.

• The projected economic losses from natural and biological hazards will impact the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 13 (all targets), Goal 14 (Target 14.2), and Goal 15 (Target 15.3), with knock on impacts on Goal 1 (Target 1.5), Goal 2 (Target 2.4), Goal 3 (Target 3.d), Goal 9 (Target 9.1), and Goal 11 (Target 11.5).