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Moldova Refugee Response: Inclusion and Livelihoods Working Group, Co-chaired by the State Chancellery and UNDP, - Issue Brief #6 (13 July 2022)

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Govt. Moldova
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“How is Life” of refugees from Ukraine and Moldova citizens after the war started

Refugees from Ukraine and locals from Moldova show empathy in this crisis and are mainly ready to provide support. Still, they do not know how to help or do not believe they have the ability to help. Most people think they need more straightforward rules and processes to improve the situation. The conclusions are based on the results of the “How is Life” longitudinal assessment run by UNDP Moldova from April to June this year.

Most refugees focus on getting through the day-to-day and care about their safety, food, and living conditions. About 27% of the respondents are tentatively planning for the near future.

Surprisingly, many Moldovan citizens are focused on a survivalist mentality of getting through each day, with comparatively less thought being given to the past and future. This survivalist mentality was only 9% higher in refugees escaping the war zone. The burden of the current compounded crisis is perceived by the local population as much as the refugee population. Addressing it requires a comprehensive approach that considers not only meeting the refugees’ immediate needs but also developing interventions that address the economic and social fragility and risk of further degradation of the population’s quality of life.

Generally speaking, people consider the situation stabilized, but a slight majority still thought the worst is yet to come.