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Humanitarian-Development-Peace Joint Analysis in Nexus convergence areas - Methodological note

Govt. Cameroon
+ 4
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Humanitarian, Development and Peacebuilding (HDP) actors usually conduct their assessment studies/research from their own spectrum of understanding. Indeed, actors need different types of information according to their mandate. They conduct their analysis with the purpose of informing and planning their own programming1 . The different analyses are hence conducted in silos and do not inform and complement one another. When organizations conduct a broader context analysis to inform a conflict sensitivity review of their operations, the findings are not often shared outside of the organization. As a result, there is often an enormous amount of analyses with the same geographical focus but there is no overarching understanding that connectsthese distinct sets of data in a way that would promote a comprehensive response to the risks, needs and vulnerabilities faced by the local communities. Moreover, theses analyses do not systematically integrate local knowledge.

A key challenge that the HDP Nexus aims to address is to reduce the need for and length of humanitarian assistance by promoting sustainable solutions. To tackle this challenge, HDP Nexus actors first need to develop a common understanding of the situation at hand, through a joint analysis in each area of convergence2 that has been selected and prioritized by the HDP Nexus regional Task Forces.

The aim of the analysis is to provide a common understanding of the drivers of conflict and its impact on the communities, as well as the knowledge, capacities, resources, and assets at the local level to address those needs and vulnerabilities.

The joint analysis is the first step in the Nexus operationalization process at the local level. It will give key recommendations, which will allow to identify gaps and priorities in the area of convergence. These priorities will then be reflected in the common action plan.

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