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Syrian Arab Republic: Whole of Syria Shelter/NFI Sector Winter Assistance Post-distribution monitoring for the 2021/22 response

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Highlights across Syria

The winter response 2021/22 ran from October to March, with Syria hub partners starting their prewinterization response in summer 2021. Across Syria, partners secured USD102 million (56%) of their total funding requirements and reached almost three million individuals (82% of the target). Both funding and reach fell short of previous winter responses, mostly due to the continuously increasing costs and fluctuating prices of goods in local markets. Overall, the winter response was delivered on time, with a few exceptions due to operational challenges, such as communication with local authorities and access to some locations. While NES partners reached their targets, Turkey X-B partners overreached their initial planning due to increased winter needs following an extended period of cold days and flooding. On the other hand, Syria partners only met 48% of their winter target due to a funding gap.

Across the hubs, partners reported the preference of cash over in-kind support, and while the distributed winter items were adjusted to the context, the quantity of heating fuel was seen as a shortcoming given the harsh and prolonged winter conditions this year.