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UNHCR Trinidad & Tobago Fact Sheet, November - December 2021

Тринидад и Тобаго
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More than 21,000 refugees and asylum-seekers are currently registered with UNHCR, the most of whom are of an employable age.

In Trinidad and Tobago, UNHCR’s registered people of concern are from 40 different countries, 86% of whom are Venezuelan and 6% Cuban.

UNHCR continues to provide access to an asylum process with more than 8,500 asylum-seekers receiving UNHCR documentation for the first time in 2021.


Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) reported the highest numbers of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations between November and December since the beginning of the pandemic, causing great strain to the country’s healthcare system. The State of Emergency in place since May ended on 17 November, while COVID-19 vaccination drives continued, including refugees and asylum-seekers.

Displaced persons continued to approach UNHCR seeking to access asylum procedures and humanitarian assistance. Attempts to enter T&T via irregular routes continued to be reported.

Trinindad and Tobago completed its Universal Periodic Review, where it was noted that the Ministry of National Security is finalising a policy to allow for the State to assume full responsibility of the refugee status determination (RSD) process.

UNHCR continues to work with the government and with other agencies to provide needed support, assistance, and protection to forcibly displaced persons in T&T.