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Migrant Presence Outside Temporary Reception Centres in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Round 08, December 2021 [EN/BS]

Босния и Герцеговина
+ 21
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The total number of migrants identified in the locations covered was 406 out of which 406 stated that they were not accommodated in any of official TRCs in BiH.

The number of migrants observed in Round 08 is in line with the previous rounds, and this can be explained by several factors that influenced the data collection, such as the staff employed and the number of locations visited, which limit the range of action, as well as the unfavorable weather conditions due to rain and snow.

Furthermore, the change of seasons and routes can lead to a change in the locations, well-known to IOM, in which migrants tend to habitually reside, with a direct impact on the number of migrants identified through the data collection exercise. IOM is closely following the changing positions of migrant settlements. Therefore, it is likely that not all locations were fully covered during Round 08. Lastly, as noticed in previous rounds, the presence of one SFA staff per team deployed may contribute to a lower presence of migrants in visited locations. As in the previous rounds, the number of migrants who declared not to be accommodated in reception centres, out of the total number of migrants observed, is gradually increasing reaching 100 per cent on Round 08.

Afghanistan (32%) and Pakistan (24.7%) are the two main declared nationalities4 with the highest number of persons outside of TRCs in BiH, followed by Morocco with 14 per cent, the Islamic Republic of Iran (7.9%) and Egypt (5.9%). Other declared nationalities include Algeria (3.9%), Tunisia (1.8%), Iraq (1.5%), Libya (1.5%), Cuba (1.3%), and equally India, Turkey, Gambia, Syrian Arab Republic, Cameroon and Ghana with less than 1 per cent. For the remaining 2.1 per cent of the migrants observed, the nationality is unknown.