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South Sudan - WASH Infrastructure Mapping - Ezo, Western Equatoria State (August 2021)

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The dynamic and multi-faceted nature of the South Sudanese displacement crisis has created significant challenges for the delivery of humanitarian aid. Accessibility issues within South Sudan have impeded a systematic understanding of WASH needs in many areas of the country. This has created difficulties in establishing a clear and unambiguous system for prioritising the delivery of aid, thereby limiting the effectiveness of humanitarian planning and limiting the potential impact of donor funding. In order to fill this information gap, REACH in partnership with International Aids Service (IAS) conducted a WASH infrastructure mapping exercise in Ezo. Data collection took place on March 19th, 2021 and succeeded in mapping 616 latrines and 87 waterpoints. Key findings are presented below in charts (pies & bars) and maps with figures in percentages (%) and numbers assessed enclosed in parenthesis next to each percentage value.