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Uganda - Rapid Needs Assessment: Impact of the Kasese Floods on Older People

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Since the 12 of July 2021, heavy rainfall has been affecting western and northern Uganda. The heavy rains particularly affected the Nyamwamba River in the Kasese District (Western Region), causing the river to overflow and burst its banks. This has resulted in the destruction and damage to houses and roads in 30 villages such as Katiri, Namuhunga, and Kyanjuiki. This has led to displacement, with many inhabitants being hosted in temporary government accommodation, including tents and local school and church halls. Others are residing with relatives or at friends’ houses. Furthermore, the floods have impacted people’s livelihoods, with gardens, a vital source of food and income, being damaged.

Key findings

  • Top priorities for older people interviewed were food (42%), cash (38%), and shelter (17%).

  • 79% of older people do not have access to sufficient food. A key cause was that 56% reported that their gardens were damaged or destroyed.

  • 33% of older people reported their shelter needs majors’ repairs, with 17% needing minor. Furthermore, 56% of older people do not feel safe in their shelter due to fear of future flooding.

  • The three biggest barriers to accessing health services were 37% said they were too expensive, 23% not enough medicine, 12% negative attitude of health workers.

  • 51% of older people reported they feel depressed or upset while 61% said they felt nervous, either daily or weekly. This increased with age.

  • 90% of older people interviewed are providing care for children with 50% providing care for 5 or more children.

  • 69% of those interviewed who had not received a COVID-19 vaccine, if offered, would very likely take it while 19% said somewhat likely and only 8% said they would not take it. 49% of older people faced barriers to COVID-19 messaging. The preferred method of receiving messages was through the radio (88%).