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IOM Global Report 2020 - Operations and Emergencies

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violence, slow and sudden-onset disasters and epidemics worldwide. In 2020, the Organization’s work on the mobility dimensions of crisis had an operational reach of over 37 million people including internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees and migrants either directly or as part of community-based programmes.

With more than 450 field offices worldwide, and robust humanitarian capacity from the onset of a crisis, the Organization has a unique comparative advantage. IOM’s mandate and experience mean that it is present with the expertise and capacity to directly implement and to support the work of Member States and partners across the humanitarian, peacebuilding, migration management and development fields.

IOM is a leading actor in life-saving emergency responses, engaging actively in the humanitarian coordination system. It serves as a primary source of objective and impartial data on displacement. Its work in preparedness, disaster risk reduction and resilience help to prepare States and communities for and minimize the impacts of a crisis. As soon as a crisis occurs, IOM starts to prepare the ground for the progressive resolution of displacement, as well as for longer-term transition and recovery. Its presence throughout a crisis cycle fosters trust and long-lasting relationships with populations, authorities and communities, resulting in holistic and localized approaches in support of national and local authorities.

This report provides a snapshot of IOM’s crisis related activities in the areas of emergency preparedness and response, through transition and recovery as well as resettlement and movement management. The report is based on the inputs collected through the Organization’s yearly reporting exercises, in which more than one hundred IOM country missions report on direct or community-based assistance, technical support and capacity-building.

While IOM’s response to COVID-19 was a substantial part of its work throughout 2020, this report focuses on providing a comprehensive overview of IOM’s crisis related work within the context of COVID-19. For more information on IOM’s COVID-19 - specific preparedness and response, please see IOM’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Achievements Report