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Focus Africa 2023

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Africa and Spain are close neighbours and strategic partners. Together we can face common challenges, such as economic development and employment, decarbonisation, fight against poverty, women’s empowerment, migration management or peace and stability, in better way.
The Spanish Government approved in 2019 the Third Plan Africa “Spain and Africa, challenges and opportunities”, a strategic framework of Spain’s foreign action in and with Africa.

Focus Africa 2023 implements the Third Plan Africa for the current parliamentary period, until 2023. Focus Africa 2023 defines Spanish foreign action in Africa until 2023 and forms part of the Spanish Foreign Action Strategy 2021-2024. In line with the principle of unity in foreign action, it includes the specific actions of government and other key Spanish stakeholders in Africa. Moreover, it is aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union’s 2063 Agenda.

The strategic objectives of the Third Plan Africa - Peace and security; Sustainable development, inclusive and resilient economic growth; Institutional strengthening; and Safe, orderly and regular movement- are reflected in seven priorities in Focus Africa 2023