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DRC: Floods in Sake, North Kivu Operation Update Report DREF n° MDRCD031

ДР Конго
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Description of the disaster

On 1 October 2020, the city of Sake and its surroundings in the territory of Masisi, North Kivu province, experienced flooding resulting from heavy rainfall, causing material damage and loss of life. At least 10 people were declared dead from the floods and three people missing. The city of Sake is located about 25 km from the city of Goma with a population of 108,249 inhabitants. This rain caused erosion, leading to enormous damage with the bridge over the river Kihira, linking the Sake-Masisi road and Sake - Minova washed away. This also led to a breakdown in communication on the one hand, between GomaMasisi and on the other hand, between Goma and South Kivu. Houses were washed away with all items they contained, schools were flooded, fields and grazing land for cows, sheep and goats were washed away. Some 3,825 people were affected and moved in with host families. The table below shows data collected from the initial rapid assessment (conducted by DRC RC and IFRC) of damages: