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WFP Nigeria Country Brief, December 2020

Date de publication

In Numbers

9,498 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 8.9 m cash-based transfers made

USD 125 m six-month net funding requirement (December 2020 – May 2021)

1.2 m people assisted in November 2020

Operational Updates

• Food assistance reached 1,090,921 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and people in host communities of the BAY states. WFP provided in-kind food to 529,800 people and reached 561,121 through mobile money and e-vouchers.

• Nutrition activities reached 153,011 vulnerable children and pregnant and lactating women. This includes treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) activities provided to 5,621 children aged 6–59 months.

• As part of livelihoods support, WFP provided food or cash to 78,582 vulnerable households to meet their immediate food needs and create or rehabilitate assets that strengthen resilience of individuals and communities to future shocks.

• WFP undertook a fact-finding mission to conflictaffected areas of northeast Nigeria with representatives of United Nations organisations and the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development. The mission found high levels of food insecurity and associated negative coping strategies among affected people. In line with mission findings, WFP is seeking stakeholder consensus in support of a Government-led shockresponsive social protection framework to address these urgent needs.

• The October 2020 Cadre Harmonisé (CH) highlighted that 3.4 million people in the BAY states are food insecure (CH Phase 3 and 4) in the October-December 2020 post-harvest period, an increase of 16 percent compared to the same period in 2019. CH projects this figure will increase to 5.1 million food insecure people during the June-August 2021 lean season.

• WFP is taking action to expand accountability to affected people by building a more holistic and interactive understanding of beneficiary needs and WFP’s impact on communities. Opportunities include strengthening food procurement through expansion of suppliers to include aggregators working with smallholder farmers.