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Japan - Severe weather (JMA, CatNat, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 12 January 2021)

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  • Severe weather, including heavy snowfalls, very low temperature and strong wind have been affecting central and northern Honshu (in particular the Hokuriku region, along the Sea of Japan, and the Tohoku region) as well as Hokkaido since 7 January, triggering a number of weather-related incidents that have resulted in casualties and damage.
  • Media reports, as of 12 January, 10 fatalities, and 240 injured people throughout Hokuriku, Tohoku, and Hokkaido due to snow-related incidents occurred across 11 Prefectures. In addition, more than 1,200 vehicles were reportedly involved in weather-related incidents.
  • Over the next 24 hours, more snowfall accompanied by rainfall are forecast over the already affected regions.