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Jordan: UNHCR Factsheet, September 2020

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Jordan is one of the countries most affected by the Syria crisis, hosting the second highest share of refugees per capita in the world. During 2020, the country has been severely impacted by COVID-19.
The Government of Jordan has taken strict measures to prevent the spread of the virus, and has included refugees, in urban areas and camps, in the National Health Response Plan since the beginning.
In addition to its regular cash assistance program, UNHCR has assisted over 43,000 newly vulnerable families severely impacted by COVID-19 to cover their most vital and essential needs.

Working with Partners

UNHCR coordinates the refugee response under the leadership of the Government of Jordan, in a collaborative effort amongst the donor community, UN agencies, international and national NGOs, community-based organizations, refugees and host communities. In June 2020, the Government of Jordan endorsed the Jordan Response Plan (JRP) 2020-2022, totalling $6.6 billion. The JRP aligns all sectors with SDGs and areas in need of support as per Global Compact on Refugees (GCR). UNHCR exercises its leadership and coordination responsibility in Jordan’s refugee response in line with the Refugee Coordination Model, which is applied in Jordan and manifested in the Inter Sector Working Group, chaired by UNHCR. Currently eight sectors provide support within the Jordan refugee response.
UNHCR co-chairs several sector working and sub-working groups, namely the Basic Needs Working Group with IOM, the Health Working Group with WHO, the Protection Working Group with JOHUD (as well as the associated Child Protection sub-Working Group with UNICEF and the Sexual and Gender Based Violence sub-Working Group with UNFPA), the Shelter Working Group with NRC, and the Livelihoods Working Group with Mercy Corps. UNHCR also chairs the Durable Solutions cross-sectoral Working Group, and co-chairs the Sector Gender Focal Points Network with UNFPA. These working groups provide information, advice and advocacy to high-level decision-making bodies in Jordan. UNHCR supports the Syrian Refugee Affairs Directorate (SRAD) - the Government agency in charge of the management and coordination of Zaatari and Azraq camps - to ensure that assistance is provided in the most effective and efficient way possible in accordance with international humanitarian standards and protection principles.