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ADRA Asia Regional COVID 19 Situation Report No. 14 ( as of July 30, 2020)

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Needs Assessment

• The COVID 19 Regional Taskforce has now finalised and circulated a remote assessment guide and shared with country offices. Assessment questionnaires will also be made available within the network.

• The secondary impact has now been assessed in most country offices. Medium and Longer term reovery and resilienc projects have began.

ADRA Sri Lanka Highlights

Mufana's Blessinng by Shatheesh Sumiethan

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many liveli- hoods have been severely affected and those who depend on daily wages have lost their jobs and sources of income. Mufana lives in Vavuniya town with her two children and her husband who is an immam at a local mosque. Her husband is the breadwinner of their fami- ly and the income he earned was not sufficient to manage the family expenses.