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Case study: Documentation of experiences using cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for nutrition outcomes in Somalia

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Prepared by: Andre Duerr, Cash Advisor to the Global Nutrition Cluster (CashCap)

With the support of: Noanne Laida, Cash Advisor to UNICEF-led cluster in Somalia, and Naema Hirad, Deputy Nutrition Cluster Coordinator Somalia

1 Introduction


The Global Nutrition Cluster is in the process of developing an evidence and guidance note on the use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for nutrition outcomes. As part of this guidance note, the operational experience and learning of humanitarian actors on this topic should be reflected and included. For this reason, the GNC plans to conduct up to three case studies. The findings of the case studies will be directly integrated into the guidance note on the use of CVA for nutrition outcomes.

Food security and nutrition needs in Somalia remain high. According to the 2019 Gu results, GAM is 13.8 per cent with some areas having GAM rates over 20 per cent (over the WHO emergency threshold of 15 per cent). It is estimated that 1.3 million boys and girls and pregnant and lactating women (1.008 million boys and girls) will suffer from acute malnutrition in 2020, with 178,000 children under 5 affected by life-threatening severe malnutrition, with 830,000 moderately malnourished and 270,000 pregnant and lactating women also requiring emergency nutrition services (HRP Somalia, 2020). GAM is higher than the 15 per cent emergency threshold in 10 out of 33 areas, with the majority (51.7 per cent) of malnourished children concentrated in six regions, as well as in areas hosting IDPs. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as well as flooding across regions and desert locust will further aggravate malnutrition in Somalia. At the same time, lack of access to clean water in many areas has heightened the risk of outbreaks of water-borne diseases, augmenting existing vulnerabilities.

According to the 2020 HRP, the Nutrition Cluster will focus the response on the prevention of malnutrition through the provision of specialized nutrient-dense supplementary feeding programs (BSFP and MCHN) and the promotion of optimal infant and young child feeding. Partners are providing childcare counselling for mothers, especially regarding micronutrient deficiency control for both themselves and their children. Through preventive supplementary feeding programmes the nutrition cluster is targeting 617,482 people, 334,911 children under two and 282,571 PLWs are planned to be reached in areas with GAM rate higher than 15 per cent accounting for 58 out of 74 districts.

The Nutrition Cluster Coordination Team and partners in Somalia has expressed interest to accommodate one of the case studies on the use of CVA for nutrition outcomes. There is a strong interest to better explore the potential of CVA modalities in preventative and curative strategies in the context of Somalia.

The objectives of the case study include the following:

  • Review existing and planned nutrition interventions which have a CVA component, including response analysis / decision-making, objectives, design, risk management, MEAL, etc.

  • Review tools used as part of these interventions

  • Review the nutrition-sensitivity of the MEB and existing multi-purpose cash interventions

  • Document how CVA is being integrated into nutrition responses

  • Document and review the role of the Nutrition Cluster Coordination team in CVA

  • If possible, identify opportunities to improve and/or expand the use of CVA for nutrition outcomes

  • Facilitate exchange of experiences between partners

  • Generate lessons learned and best practice