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National Logistics Cluster Common Services for COVID-19 [EN/NE]

Logistics Cluster
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The Nepal National Logistics Cluster, lead by Ministry of Home Affairs and co-lead by WFP, is currently offering common Transport and Storage services for COVID-19 related medical supplies to humanitarian agencies responding to the crisis. These services will be provided to resolve storage and transport constraints caused by the ongoing national lockdown, and to increase the supply-chain capacity of the Ministry of Health and Population as well as the Nepal Army. An overview of these services are outlined below. For more information, please visit: https://logcluster.org/countries/NPL

The objective of the transport and storage services is to support humanitarian organizations and the Government of Nepal to establish a supply chain of medicines, medical goods and medical equipment mandated by the Ministry of Health and Population for the prevention of COVID-19 transmission, control and treatment to hospitals and primary healthcare facilities. These services are not intended to replace the logistics capacities of responding organizations, nor are they meant to compete with the commercial market. Rather, they are intended to fill identified gaps or as a last resort in case private sector serviceproviders are limited or unable to serve due to the current lockdown situation. These services are currently scheduled to be provided until July 30th 2020, but could be extended longer depending on resources.