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Ethiopia: Health Cluster Bulletin #16, May 2020

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Health Cluster
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  • As of 22 June, 4,663 confirmed cases and 75 deaths of COVID-19 have been reported in Ethiopia, a 12-fold increase within one month, affecting all regions and city administrations in the country.

  • Other ongoing disease outbreaks in the country include cholera, measles, cVDPV2, yellow fever, and increased caseloads of malaria.

  • The national flood taskforce issued the second alert for the Kiremt rainy season from June to September, with a very high probability of heavy rainfall in the western, south western and central parts of the country.

Situation update

Cholera outbreaks continue in three regions of Somali, SNNP and Oromia. The woreda reporting cases in the last four weeks include Abaya, Dolo Ado, Desenach, North Ari, Nyagatom, Wonago and Wondo. The national epidemiological curve for total caseloads is comparable to last year. Some of the partners supporting government response include SCI, IRC, MCMDO, IOM, WHO and UNICEF.

Measles outbreaks continued mostly in Oromia region, with some cases also reported in Amhara, Afar, Somali and SNNP regions. Some of the woredas with active transmission include Adaba, Agarfa, Burka Dimtu, Chiro Zuria, Dodola, Gololcha, Kokosa, Meta, mieso, Oda Shakiso, and Siraro. Partners supporting response include IMC, ACF, GOAL, MCMDO, CRS, CARE, WVE, WHO, UNICEF and USAID Transform project. The national measles SIA that was postponed in March due to COVID-19 outbreak is now rescheduled for early July.

3 cases of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) were reported from West Arsi, Hadiya and wolayita zones. Malaria caseloads have increased during the Belg rains, notably in Amhara region.

As of 22 June, the country has reported 4,663 confirmed cases of COVID-19, a 12-fold increase within one month, affecting all regions and city administrations. Response continues through the national and subnational PHEOC, with support from partners in different forms. At the time of writing, there were 9.0M confirmed cases and 472,172 deaths globally, including 229,589 cases and 5,084 deaths in 47 African countries.

Useful sites for information include:
Health Cluster on Humanitarian Reponse: https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/ethiopia/health
EPHI: https://www.ephi.gov.et/index.php/public-health-emergency/novel-corona-virus-update
WHO: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
WHO: https://www.afro.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus-covid-19
JHU: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html

The national flood taskforce issued the second alert for the Kiremt (summer) rainy season for the period June to September. There’s a very high probability of heavy rainfall especially in July and August in the western, south western and central parts of the country. A multicluster contingency plan is under compilation. Already 470,164 people were affected and 301,284 displaced by the recent heavy Belg rains. Ongoing multisectoral response includes health interventions by partners like SCI, IOM and GOAL, guided by the recently completed response plan of $30.7M.