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Turning learning into action: Sexual and gender based-violence prevention, risk mitigation and response

RD Congo
+ 4
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A call for proposals on SGBV prevention, risk mitigation and response mainstreaming was launched in 2018. The overall objective was to support the implementation and documentation of practices and multisectoral projects in country of operations that aimed to: » initiate or boost SGBV mainstreaming activities, and/or; » build on/develop innovative new responses to SGBV mainstreaming programming, and/or; » strengthen UNHCR institutional process/ element of the operations management cycle (OMC) with regard to mainstreaming/ integrating SGBV prevention, risk mitigation and/or response components.

The application process was open to 16 operations that participated in a regional workshop on mainstreaming SGBV prevention, risk mitigation and response. The selected projects were part of an overall approach and support to develop staff capacity and to build evidence and fill an information gap on how to effectively operationalize mainstreaming in different aspects of UNHCR work.

The projects were important institutionally and supported the communities in the following ways: » addressed the needs and rights of communities in line with UNHCR policy on age, gender and diversity (AGD); » offered a practical opportunity for the implementation of the 2015 Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action, and the application of core mainstreaming principles across different sectors1; and 1 For more information on the GBV Guidelines please visit » provided UNHCR the chance to identify, document and field test different ways of increasing appropriate, early, efficient and effective programming to prevent, mitigate and respond to SGBV across UNHCR operations.
A preliminary screening of applications ensured that the projects met the following submission criteria:
The selection panel prioritized projects that supported a multifunctional approach in design, implementation, monitoring and demonstrated that a site-specific multifunctional coordination mechanism was in place to provide oversight.

Remote technical support was available for each implementing project team through a multifunctional team comprised of regional and headquarters-based colleagues. Throughout the process, lessons learned were documented in order to disseminate and replicate the practices.