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COVID-19 outbreak: Operational update #14 reporting date - Emergency appeal n° MDR00005 (8 May 2020)

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The Revised Emergency Appeal (26 March 2020) is available here. The Emergency Plans of Actions for COVID-19 operation are available here.

Red Cross and Red Crescent activities globally

Health and Care

IFRC Geneva health department contributed to two interagency health related Covid-19 documents that were published this week: Community-based health care, including outreach and campaigns, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and Interagency Standing Committee Guidance on Public Health and Social measure for COVID-19 Preparedness and Response in Low Capacity and Humanitarian Settings. IFRC presented and participated in Q&A for in a webinar hosted by IFRC Asia Pacific region which focused on clinical considerations for clinical care in COVID-19. The COVID-19 Health Help Desk continues to gain momentum with an increase in services to the Membership. The Help Desk Resource Page was updated regularly, and the recently completed Help Desk survey results were compiled and analyzed. The COVID-19 Health Help Desk service is migrating to a new website platform; new features are being developed and will be available in the coming weeks. Additionally IFRC presented a two-part webinar introduction to CBS