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Key messages on current limitation of movement due to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) for IDP’s and staff in formal IDP camps in Iraq based on Ministry of Health and Environment instructions

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Q: What is currently happening?

A: On 31 December 2019, the World Health Organization reported the outbreak of Corona virus disease. The first confirmed case of Corona Virus was recorded in Iraq on 24 February 2020, in the city of Najaf, Najaf governorate. Four more cases were reported in Kirkuk governorate on 25 February and one additional case was confirmed in Baghdad on 27 February. As of 25 March, the total number of cases is: 354, distributed across the country, with 29 associated deaths. Consequently, in line with the instructions of the Ministry of Health and Environment in Baghdad, the humanitarian community recommends several measures that must be taken.
In camp. Instructions from the Ministry of Health

Q: What does this mean in practice in camp?

A: Since the camp is a closed environment and thus people coming from outside could place camp residents at risk of catching the virus, several preventative measures will be implemented, based on government directives. These measures are part of a more global effort that the government does in order to contain the virus. These measures to restrict movement out of camp and visitations to camp under only very urgent situations are taken to protect the camp residents. This is a temporary measure and the situation will be re-evaluated periodically, based on the spread of the disease.

  • Restriction of movement in and out of camps, as follows: o Camp residents are not to leave the camps except for emergency reasons o Camp visits are not permitted except to aid workers - Gathering of people in larger groups should be on hold, even during distribution of aid, for people’s own protection.

Q: What is considered an urgent need?


  • Any health emergency - Urgent family visit (to attend a funeral for example)

  • Important meeting with/summons by authorities

Q: What are not considered priorities?

A: In order to maintain the camp as a safe and healthy environment, and under the request of being cautious, we recommend, temporarily, to consider as non-urgent needs:

  • Buying groceries outside of the camp (only in case MoMD provides enough FFR and ongoing possibility to purchase supplies to keep markets running in camp).

  • Regular family and friend visits are not considered a priority.

  • Go and See visits are considered as non-urgent and are to be kept on standby until further notice.

Q: Who can access the camp?


  • All registered camp residents - All registered service providers - All the humanitarian actors already working in the camp