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Desert Locust Outbreak Needs Assessment - Somalia (March 2020)

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This assessment was led to gain a better insight to the desert locust (DL) outbreak, and DL’s impact on Somali pastoralists’ and farmers’ livelihoods. It specifically aimed to:

  1. get further clarity on the locust infestation situation and status in Somalia
  2. better understand the desert locust infestation’s impact on the livelihoods on DL affected population in Somalia
  3. document ongoing locust control and prevention measures
  4. gather further evidence to inform the humanitarian community on the type assistance needed to control and prevent locust outbreak and preserve livelihoods.

Between 1 – 8 March 2020, partner organizations conducted two key informant interviews (KIIs) per district, totaling 58 KIIs in 27 districts. Key informants (KIs) were selected among local authorities working at the District Commissioner’s Office or representatives from relevant ministries. Some KIs were selected from NGOs with livelihood (agriculture and livestock) programming, heads of agricultural cooperatives and committees, veterinaries and traditional local leaders. The KII questionnaire was prepared and revised by ACTED Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation (AME) unit in accordance with feedback received from the partner organizations. The questionnaire was collected on ODK. Data analysis and reporting was done by ACTED AME unit with inputs from the partners.