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Greece | Migration crisis - DG ECHO Daily Map│25/03/2020

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Union Civil Protection NORTH Mechanism (UCPM) response

 On 2 March, Greece requested assistance (request type: in-kind assistance) from the UCPM Member and Participating States to prepare for an increased migration flow.

 Between 3 and 11 March, 17 Member and Participating States (AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, FI, FR,
HR, LT, NL, NO, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK) have offered more than 90,000 items to Greece through the UCPM.

 An ERCC Liaison Officer was deployed from 6 to 11 March to facilitate the incoming in-kind assistance and liaise with national authorities.

 Some of the requested items such as buckets, tarpaulins, water pumps, power generators, water tanks, bed mattresses, self-inflating mats, beds, wool blankets and office supplies are 100% covered by the offers.

 As of 22 March, the emergency was closed by Greece.