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Croatia - Earthquake (Croatian Civil Protection Authority) (ECHO Daily Flash of 24 March 2020)

Date de publication
Voir l'original
  • An earthquake of 5.4 M at a depth of 10 km occurred in north Croatia on 22 March at 5.24 UTC (6.24 local time). The epicentre was in the Zagreb area, approximately 10 km north of downtown. The earthquake was followed by aftershocks, the largest of 4.6 M.

  • As of 23 March, 27 injured people and one deaths - due to severe injuries caused by the earthquake - had been reported.

  • Authorities have received more than 7,000 reports from citizens about damages. There are over 600 damaged buildings estimated so far, some of which are no longer usable.

  • Croatia activated the EU Civil Protection Mechanism for mainly medical items, a field hospital and protective equipment. The Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) remains in close contact with the Croatian civil protection authorities.