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Walking the Talk? Financing for Education in Emergencies, 2015–2018

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Dupuy, Kendra; Júlia Palik & Gudrun Østby (2020) Walking the Talk? Financing for Education in Emergencies, 2015–2018, PRIO Paper. Oslo: PRIO.

The right to education is most at risk during humanitarian emergencies. Yet, these are also the times when education is needed the most. Natural disasters, armed conflict, and forced migration are direct obstacles to realizing Sustainable Development Goal 4, to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all. In 2015, Save the Children published the report “Walk the Talk: Review of Donors’ Humanitarian Policies on Education”. In this brief, we present the results of the updated 2020 report, examining whether donor policies and humanitarian funding are keeping up with the increased demand for education in emergencies.

Brief Points

  • Humanitarian aid allocations to education doubled between 2015 and 2018.

  • 44% of education sector needs were covered in humanitarian aid appeals in 2018, up from just 30% in 2015.

  • Pooled funds are also contributing more money to the education sector than in 2015.

  • Four countries received half of all humanitarian aid for education between 2015 and 2018: Syria, Yemen, South Sudan, and Iraq.

  • More donors have policies on education in emergencies than in 2015.

  • Nevertheless, the amount of humanitarian aid allocated to education (2.24%) remains well below the 4% global goal.