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Bosnia and Herzegovina: MAABA002 - Annual report 2009

Босния и Герцеговина
Дата публикации

In brief

Programme purpose: The strategic goal of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Bosnia and Herzegovina is to support the National Society in developing into an effective and self-sustainable society. Objectives are to strengthen and optimize the Red Cross structure in the country leading to increasing effectiveness and efficiency in programme planning and implementation. The main programmes implemented by the National Society were aligned with the Global Agenda goals.

Programme(s) summary: In 2009 the IFRC supported the Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina in disaster management, health and care, and organizational development in line with the society's own strategic priorities and plans. Organizational development was a key priority. The Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the only humanitarian organization covering the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.