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Ukraine Humanitarian Response Plan 2020 (January 2020) [EN/UK]

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Response Plan Overview





Six years of active fighting have had profound consequences on the lives of more than five million people in conflict-affected Donetska and Luhanska oblasts of eastern Ukraine. Some 3.4 million of these people are in need of humanitarian assistance and protection.

The 2020 Ukraine Humanitarian Response Plan seeks to address the needs of some two million people by providing emergency life-saving assistance and protection across six sectoral areas – water and sanitation, health, shelter, food security and livelihoods, education and protection. The response aims to reach the most vulnerable people in areas close to the ‘contact line’ as well as in pockets of humanitarian needs elsewhere in Ukraine. Among the most vulnerable are the elderly, who represent some 30 per cent of the people targeted for assistance in 2020, as well as children of vulnerable families which constitute 20 per cent of the people targeted for assistance.
Importantly, the response also caters to meet the critical needs of some 180,000 people with disabilities.

The vast majority of the two million people targeted for humanitarian assistance are in the two most affected Luhanska and Donetska oblasts. Over 900,000 people targeted live in areas outside Government-control (NGCA) while an estimated 850,000 people targeted live in Government-controlled areas (GCA). An additional 220,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) in Donetska, Luhanska oblasts and in other oblasts in government controlled areas will also be assisted. The fact that only 900,000 people in NGCA are targeted for assistance is not a reflection of the level of needs, but is due to the foreseen capacity to address needs, in view of constrained access. If humanitarian access improves, particularly to areas outside the Government’s control, the financial ask is likely to increase considerably.

In 2020, humanitarian operations focus on delivering a series of sectoral responses aligned against four overarching Strategic Objectives:

(1) Provide emergency and time-critical assistance to 2 million conflict-affected people with humanitarian needs and ensure their access to basic essential services. This will seek to address critical problems related to the physical and mental well-being of the affected populations as well as to a decline in their living standards more generally.

(2) Respond to the protection needs and strengthen protection of 1.4 million conflict-affected people, including IDPs, with regard to international norms and standards;

(3) Ensure government ownership of humanitarian response in coordination with development actors and strengthen national/local response capacity in GCA.

(4) Expand and secure humanitarian access to 2 million people in need in all areas where needs are acute.

To meet these objectives, humanitarian actors in Ukraine are seeking US$158 million for 2020. These funds are required for 122 projects to be implemented by 56 partners (23 national NGOs, 24 international NGOs and nine UN agencies) and will be implemented alongside the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross, complementing the Government’s efforts to address humanitarian needs.

The amount requested under the 2020 humanitarian response plan is roughly in line with the one presented in 2019. Many of humanitarian agencies have diverted their response toward GCA due to access constraints particularly in NGCA. The response also includes steps to increase access in NGCA through concerted efforts led by the newly established Humanitarian Country Team Task Force on Access.

See the Revised Requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic here

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