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Briefing Note - Mayukwayukwa Refugee Settlement, Kaoma District, 05 October 2019

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The Mayukwayukwa refugee settlement encompasses 16,16700 hectares. It was established in 1966 and is located in Western Province of Zambia, about 75km away from Kaoma District. As of 30 September 2019, Mayukwayukwa settlement had a population of 15,190 refugees and “former refugees” from Rwanda and Angola, Burundi, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The settlement has been divided into two parts: the Refugee Settlement area, which is divided into sectors 1-28 and the local integration area for former refugees, which is 10.512 hectares with a population of 1,977 household for “former” Angolan refugees. They remain under the management of the Department of Resettlement (in the Office of Vice President). Some 512 households have settled in the local integration area which is situated about 15 km away from the refugee settlement.
Generally, the gravel road network is poor and requires attention.

The Government of Zambia through the Office of the Commissioner for Refugees (COR) in the Ministry of Home Affairs, has manages the settlement with the support of UNHCR and other implementing partners since its establishment in 1966. In line with its mandate, UNHCR supports the Government of Zambia to ensure refuge’ protection, access to basic services and explore avenues for durable solutions. It operates in coordination with Government line Ministries (Ministry of General Education (MoGE), Department of Water Resource Development (DWRD),
Ministry of Health (MOH), and Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS). With the roll-out of the CRRF in 2018, UNHCR’s area of responsibility has been narrowed to core protection, provision of core relief items and durable solutions. Other UN development agencies will gradually step in to deliver basic services as per their mandate, in coordination with Government line ministries. In the Local Integration area UNHCR, will, however, continue to support individual documentation of former refugees in the frame of socio-economic integration.