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Concord Annual Report 2018 – Fifteen years of collective actions

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Twenty eighteen marked the 15th anniversary of our confederation. In 15 years, the world has changed and the challenges we face now are bigger than ever. How is the Development community affected by these global challenges? What are the trends in the sector? The reflection starts with our Annual Report 2018 which provides a good overview of the past year’s activities. The report includes our biggest achievements and reports on the main statutory elements needed for a transparent and accountable constituency.

Twenty eighteen saw the 15th anniversary of our Confederation. Back in 2003, our Confederation was created to bring European civil society’s voice on Development matters to EU institutions. The Millennium Development Goals had just recently been adopted and we needed European institutions on board to make them happen. Fifteen years later, the world has changed and the challenges we face now are bigger than ever. Inequalities are rising globally, climate change will affect every aspects of our lives and Europe is witnessing a backlash on many rights and values we thought were won forever.

How is the Development community affected by these global challenges? What are the trends in the sector? How did our confederation answer to the situation and what should we keep working on in the years to come?

A good reflection starts with our Annual Report 2018 which provides an overview of what we achieved in our anniversary year. The report includes our biggest achievements and reports on the main statutory elements needed for a transparent and accountable constituency.

Twenty eighteen was marked by an increase of transversal work like our call for a Budget for Solidarity in the future EU budget or the cross-cutting work done on gender. Our Confederation reinforced its collaboration with alliances, be it for the post-Cotonou negotiations, the SDG Multi-Stakeholders Platform, or in the run-up to the European Parliament elections.

Curious to get the full picture? Then make sure the read through our report!

We thank all our members, allies, partners and staff members who made this work possible. A special thank you to our former director Seamus Jeffreson who handed over to Tanya Cox in January 2019 after 5 years of collaboration.