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UNICEF Niger Humanitarian Situation Report, December 2018

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  • As of 30th December, the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) partners (ACF, ACTED, DRC, IRC, the Ministry of Humanitarian Action and Disaster Relief – MAH/GC, OCHA, UNICEF and WFP) had provided multisectoral assistance to 34,601 displaced people in Niger, out of which 28,952 in Tillabery and Tahoua, which represents 54% of all displaced populations in these 2 regions

  • 4607 cases of measles were recorded in Niger throughout 2018, leading to localized vaccination responses. UNICEF supported the Ministry of Public Health through the purchase of measles vaccines for response, as well as operational costs.

  • Regarding meningitis, 1496 cases were recorded with 195 deaths. Response campaigns were organized in districts that reached the epidemic threshold, with technical and operational support from UNICEF.

  • The results of the national nutrition survey (SMART methodology) show a prevalence of global acute malnutrition (GAM) of 15.0% and a prevalence of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) of 3.2%. Three regions (Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder) present a particularly alarming situation with a GAM prevalence exceeding 15% and a SAM prevalence above 3%.


1.2 million children in need of humanitarian assistance in Niger

2.3 million people in need (OCHA, Humanitarian Response Plan Niger, 2018)

380,166 Children affected by SAM nationwide (OCHA, Humanitarian Response Plan Niger, 2018)

96,216 Refugee children from Nigeria and returnees from Niger affected, out of 144,599 Refugees and returnees from Nigeria (DREC, July 2018, covering 97 sites)

69,393 Internally displaced children, out of 104,288 Internally displaced people (DREC, July 2018, covering 97 sites)

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

According to the 2018 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO), 2.3 million people in Niger needed humanitarian assistance. The needs analysis shows the persistence of five major crises affecting the country: food insecurity (1.4 million people estimated in need), malnutrition (1.7 million people), epidemics (1.17 million people), floods (170,000 people) and population movements due to conflict or migration (392,305 people).