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Iraq: Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment (MCNA), Out-of-camp IDPs - September 2018

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December 2017 marked the end of major military operations in Iraq against the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). While more than 4 million returns have been recorded as of September 2018, almost 2 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) remain, of whom 71% reside outside of formal camps.1 Moreover, secondary displacement and new arrivals to formal camps2 signal the tenuous nature of some returns. Therefore, although recovery efforts in Iraq are underway, understanding the multifaceted and intersecting needs of all affected groups is critical to supporting durable returns, while maintaining services for those in protacted displacement and addressing the unique vulnerabilities of populations who remained non-displaced during active conflict. A Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment (MCNA) was conducted in July 2018 to provide this analysis and inform the 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO). The MCNA was led by the Assessment Working Group and facilitated by REACH, in close collaboration with OCHA and the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG).


A structured household survey was conducted amongst a representative sample of 12,261 conflict-affected households nationwide (of which 5,148 were out-of-camp IDPs) using twostage, stratified cluster sampling. Target sample sizes were calculated based on population figures from the IOM DTM IDPs Master List dataset (15 June 2018, Round 97). Findings are statistically representative of accessible districts in which 200 or more out-of-camp IDP households were present, with a 90% confidence level and 10% margin of error.3 Findings at the national level are representative at a higher level of precision, with 99% confidence level and 2% margin of error. Data collection took place from 1 July to 3 September 2018, coordinated by REACH field staff and team leaders from each partner organisation. Analysis was guided by the Multi-Cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) framework (see Annex 1 for the detailed methodology). Findings in this factsheet are representative of out-of-camp IDP households in accessible areas of Iraq only, as depicted in the coverage map below.