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WFP Lebanon Country Brief, July 2018

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Operational Context

Lebanon is classified as an upper middle-income country.

The current Human Development Index (HDI) value is 0.763 – in the high human development category – positioning the country at 76 out of 188 countries and territories.

With six million people living in a land area of just 10,000 km square on the eastern Mediterranean coast, Lebanon is small and densely populated.

As of May 2018, 976,002 Syrian refugees have been registered in Lebanon by UNHCR. They represent 16 percent of Lebanon’s population. The massive influx of refugees has placed significant strain on existing resources and host communities.

WFP and UNICEF support a UNDP-led rapid poverty assessment of the Lebanese population. The assessment contributes towards the creation of a food security baseline of the Lebanese.
WFP has been present in Lebanon since 2012.

In Numbers

US$22.8 m cash-based transfers made

US$115.7 m six months (September 2018 – February 2019) net funding requirements

690,906 m people assisted in JULY 2018

Operational Updates

  • During the summer of 2018, approximately 1,000 Lebanese and Syrian children have attended the second round of nutrition summer camps. A total of six camps, spread out across Lebanon, provided children the opportunity to build their life-skills and participate in psychosocial activities. Thanks to the active participation of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), WFP was able to develop dynamic content for children and instructors together.

  • Under its livelihoods programme, WFP Lebanon has produced the first round of results for the first half of 2018. Mid-year targets have been achieved for rehabilitation/construction of small-scale agriculture infrastructure as well as reforestation and forestation conservation activities. The range of activities included rehabilitation and construction of irrigation channels (19.7 km against the 45 km planned), roads (2.3 km against the 4.6 km planned), tree planting (45,290 against 113,000 planned), rehabilitation of community microgardening (1 against 3 planned), construction and rehabilitation of farmers’ markets (2 against 1 planned) as well as skills and vocational trainings, enterprise/value chain development trainings (958 against 1,000 planned).


  • In an effort to contribute to strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) through the National Poverty Targeting Programme (NPTP), WFP Lebanon conducted a training for WFP sub-office staff and government counterparts, as well as provided tablets for data collection.

  • Outcome results on retention rate for the School Snack programme 2017-2018 have been generated, following analysis of the data and shared with relevant stakeholders.