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State of the World's Emergencies 2017: A briefing for new UK parliamentarians - Second edition, September 2017

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This briefing has been been put together by a significant number of international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) under the leadership of Bond’s Humanitarian and Conflict Policy groups. These NGOs are either actively operational in these contexts or working to raise awareness in the UK of the challenges faced by people experiencing humanitarian disasters, conflict and upheaval.

This briefing is designed to give new and returning members of parliament a rapid overview of some of the world’s most complex and protracted emergencies. It highlights actions which parliamentarians can take to ensure the UK most effectively delivers on its moral and political responsibilities as a key actor on the global stage. It begins with summaries of key issues across humanitarian crisis and conflict settings, followed by short summaries of ten of the world’s most complex emergencies. Humanitarian issues are always fast moving and this information is accurate to September 2017.

Over many decades, the UK has been at the forefront of humanitarian relief operations and work on conflict issues. It has used its considerable financial and political influence, as well as intellectual leadership, to help support those trapped in crisis situations.
We welcome the UK’s commitment to spend 0.7% of gross national income (GNI) on aid to help alleviate global poverty and to focus 50% of the UK Department for International Development’s (DFID) budget in fragile states and regions.

At a time when the UK is assessing its international role, we trust you will continue to build on this global legacy, and use your office to engage, provide oversight and influence UK action. Only with your support can we not only save but also transform lives, so that more people can live free from violence and fear.

There are a number of ways in which parliamentarians can be active in addressing these issues. You can table questions and debates, and write to and meet with Ministers to raise issues of concern.
Equally many of the countries covered have related All Party Parliamentary Groups which are open to new membership.