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Hurricane Alex - Jun 2010

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Тропический циклон

Alex was the 1st hurricane of the 2010 hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean. It reached category 2 and it was born in the Caribbean Sea moving slowly to the west reaching land on the northern part of Belize City. On June 26th, it was elevated to Tropical Storm category when it touched Belize. It lost strength to Tropical Depression on June 27th but it increased strength by the time it reached the Golf of Mexico and it transformed to hurricane on June 29th, 2010. All along its trajectory it affected Honduras, Nicaraguay, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico. (CEPREDENAC, 14 October 2010)

In Mexico, Hurricane Alex affected 170,000 people and left almost twenty dead. The Government of Mexico declared a state of emergency for 87 municipalities in the States of Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas. (OCHA, 12 July 2010)