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Niger: Floods - Aug 2013

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Starting on 13 Aug 2013, torrential rainfall resulted in heavy flooding all across Niger. As of 2 Sep, 26 deaths had been recorded and more than 75,000 people had been affected, including some 6,600 families, whose houses collapsed. Approximately 12,000 hectares of crops are flooded. The most affected regions were Maradi, Tillabery, Dosso, Tahoua, Niamey and Zinder. (IFRC, 6 Sep 2013)

By 17 Sep, the number of affected people had increased to over 135,000 and 32 deaths had been recorded (OCHA, 17 Sep 2013).

Starting in October, floods along the Komadougou river in the Diffa Region affected over 5,400 people (OCHA, 15 Nov 2013).