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USAID/OFDA Monitoring and Evaluation Sector Update - October 2013

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USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) integrates monitoring, evaluation, and learning (ME&L) activities into emergency response and disaster risk reduction (DRR) programs worldwide to enhance accountability and ensure that assistance is effective, appropriate, and impactful. This critical component of program improvement and reporting helps USAID/OFDA and its partners learn from recent and current experiences so that future programs are better positioned to save lives, alleviate human suffering, and reduce the social and economic impacts of humanitarian emergencies. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2013, USAID/OFDA provided more than $900,000 in direct support for ME&L activities, including nearly $500,000 toward ME&L-focused humanitarian studies, analysis, or applications, as well as more than $400,000 for USAID/OFDA-initiated program evaluations. This stand-alone ME&L support complements and builds upon ME&L work conducted by USAID/OFDA partners in their existing humanitarian programs.