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Niger Food Security Outlook Update September 2013

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  • Crop development improved significantly in September thanks to regular heavy rainfall since late July and early August, leading to expectations of nearly average national cereal production, with rains predicted to continue through September. However, the planting delay in Tillabéri and Diffa means that even with the extended season local production, harvests there may be below average.

  • August 2013 cereal prices are lower than those in August 2012, but are still 20 to 40 percent above average in central and eastern parts of the country. By and large, prices began their seasonal decline in August and September, dropping by more than what is seasonally average except in Tahoua, Zinder, and Diffa.

  • Institutional food aid and the harvest of wild foods and cereals in September are improving food access throughout the country, with the acute food insecurity remaining Minimal (IPC Phase 1) except in the Nguigmi department, where poor households are still Stressed (IPC Phase 2).