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State of emergency continues as some 13,000 people displaced by Meikhtila fighting

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  • A state of emergency remains in place for four townships in Meikhtila (Mahliang, Meikhtila, Thazi, and Wundwin) and, although the atmosphere remains cautious, security has been restored with some markets and shops reopening
  • Preliminary findings from the Inter-agency rapid assessment team indicate 12,846 people are displaced in Meikhtila.
  • Coordination Meetings have begun in Meikhtila between humanitarian organizations and the authorities. The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement (MSWRR) is in charge of coordinating the emergency response for affected population
  • Sporadic acts of arson spread from Meikhtila to Okpho and Gyobingauk in Bago Region. Minor disturbances in Yangon.
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