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Burundi : Humanitarian Bulletin | Issue 02 | March 2017

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  • Malaria epidemic was declared on 13 March 2017

  • MIRA : Food insecurity, difficult access to potable water and rising mortality

  • Over half a million Burundians are displaced


# of people in need 3 million M 1.0M F 0.8M C 1.2M

# of people targeted 1 million M0.3M F 0.3M C 0.4M

# of IDPs 148,490 M: 68.9k F: 79.6k

Congolese refugees 58,000 M: 28.3k F: 29.6k

Burundian refugees 401,428 M: 186k F: 177k

# of food insecure people 3 million moderate 2.1 M severe 0.9 M


73.7 million (US$) required by HRP

19.1 million Contributed to HRP

4.4 million Contributed outside HRP

Burundi declares malaria epidemic

A malaria epidemic was declared by the Ministry of Public Health and Fight against AIDS on 13 March 2017. This declaration occurred whilst the number of cases exceeded the epidemic threshold4 with more than 8 million cases in 2016, and more than 3,800 deaths, as confirmed by a WHO expert mission in late January 2017. In addition, since the beginning of this year, more than 2.2 million cases and 1,000 deaths have been reported.

The preliminary results of the MIRA evaluation (March 2017) indicate that malaria is one of the main causes of death in 84% of the collines (hills) visited. The most affected provinces are Cankuzo, Muyinga, Karusi and Kirundo with an incidence rate of 100%.

In order to ensure an immediate, effective and coordinated response, a plan was finalized by the health sector partners under the direction of the Ministry of Health and in collaboration with WHO. A total of US$ 42 million is required for the implementation of the plan. Approximately US$ 24 million have been secured by partners such as the World Bank, the Global Fund, KFW, UNICEF, UNFPA, USAID and World Vision International, who are providing essential technical and financial support in the fight against the malaria epidemic.

The main pillars of the response plan include: (i) vector control, including indoor residual spraying campaigns and distributions of Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets (LLIN); (ii) mass treatment; and (iii) capacity-building and strengthened management, including health structures, personnel and access to medicines. It will be essential to simultaneously align the implementation of the plan’s activities with its financing in order to ensure the effectiveness of the response plan.

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